There’s one paper that continues to uphold the finest traditions of American journalism: The New York Sun.
The New York Sun has served as the counterweight to The New York Times for nearly 200 years. Now, Americans who have lost faith in mainstream newspapers are rediscovering the principled and patriotic voice of The New York Sun.
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- Larry Kudlow, famed TV host, and fmr. Director of the National Economic Council
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The Sun has long led battles against socialism, communism, government extravagance, and encroachments of bureaucracy.
Credited as “one of the most influential of American newspapers,” the Sun was founded in September 1833 by Benjamin Day. It sold for a penny, making news available for the first time to working men and women in New York. It ran its first abolitionist editorial on its fourth day in print, decades before emancipation.
The Sun went on to became the first modern broadsheet
and America’s largest newspaper.
In 2021, the Sun was relaunched to reclaim its historic role. For nearly 200 years the Sun has dedicated itself to upholding the finest journalistic traditions, seeking the truth and speaking out the sentiment of the American people. Join history in the making as the Sun returns to shine for all once again.
For the price of just one single penny per day, you can join
a movement of Americans rediscovering integrity in journalism.
There’s a shift happening in our country.
Major media giants like The New York Times have alienated many of our fellow citizens.
Instead, Americans are choosing to read newspapers like the Sun that unapologetically stand by the values that built America, and keep you informed without disparaging your beliefs or your country.
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